Thursday, October 24, 2013

UPenn Underground Frats In Trouble For Being Awesome

Huff Po UnderTheButton, a student-run blog at the University of Pennsylvania, got a hold of some emails from underground fraternities at the Ivy League school this week. We’ve learned two things from the emails: these guys buy a lot of vodka and are worried about which underground frat that girls like the most.

First, a little primer on these fraternities: they are actually not recognized by the university. The university has a giant, bold warning on the Penn Greek life website telling students to “Beware the Renegades”:

A number of organizations exist at Penn that claim to be fraternities or sororities. The may think of themselves in that way, but they are not legitimate general social fraternities or sororities recognized or sanctioned by the University of Pennsylvania. Many of them rose out of the remnants of chapters that were closed down for serious disciplinary action, and the dangerous culture that existed then continues to be perpetuated.

Houses like OZ, Theos, Owls and Apes are some of these “nuisance houses,” as the university refers to them. And just because they are underground doesn’t mean they don’t still have rush and house rivalries, as the emails UnderTheButton captured from the Theos listserv show.

UnderTheButton also got some emails from Oz, another underground house, which show these guys apparently spend a lot on vodka.

Well I'll never! These fraternity brothers certainly have been misbehaving! Buying vodka and being mean?! Color me surprised!

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. I'm assuming that most, if not all, of the people doing these investigations and publicizing them graduated from college, or at least have some idea of what takes place at college. It's like as soon as a person turns 30 they forget about the college life. I'm still living it so I'm extremely well aware of what goes on here and am happily a part of it. This shit happens and has been happening for decades and will continue to happen. 

The part that I don't get is the student-run blog that outed these bros. Did one of these kids fuck all of your girlfriends or is the blog solely run by uppity bitches? If you don't want to be involved in that scene then don't be. That simple, no reason to try to ruin their fun just because you're too nervous to take a sip of a Twisted Tea.

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