Thursday, October 24, 2013

Saban Laying Down The Law

edit: Tooting my own horn twice, did this post before sobol.

TUSCALOOSA, Alabama It's hard to miss the large gaps of empty seats after halftime of recent Alabama football games.
Though players and coaches say they don't notice the size or noise, coach Nick Saban is joining the list of university leaders who say it needs to improve.
"I've talked about players playing for 60 minutes in the game and competing for 60 minutes in the game," Saban said. "And, in some kind of way, everybody that choses to go to the game should stay there and support the team for the game."
He also had a solution to the issue.
"Maybe if you're not interested in doing that, you should let someone else go who would really like to go because I have a lot of people who want to go," Saban said.
It impacts more than just the players on the field, too.
"We have lots of recruits there, we like to see an enthusiastic full stadium," Saban said. "We have a beautiful stadium and one of the nicest venues in all of college football and I think we all should show our appreciation for it by staying and supporting our team for the whole game."

Hey Bama fans, the fuck is this? For all that rolling of the tide that you do don't you think you could cut Saban some slack and stick around his games for a bit? I mean this guy is practically your God, you can't just leave him hanging at half time. I mean yeah there is literally no chance that it is a good game, and yeah you have won every game by at least 25 (except when Johnny Footballs in town), but come on show some love for the team that is the only thing making your life worth living.

Also how about how Saban handled this, was it just me or did he sound like a whiny 14 year old girl? "Maybe you should let someone else go if we're not good enough, hmph!"

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