Thursday, October 24, 2013

Alabama Just Can't Figure Out Diversity

Tough break for Bama here. They are just trying to show off the little diversity that they encounter, and yet theres one problem. The black guy they snapped this beautiful picture of happens to be the only black guy on the planet that has black skin and white hands. Rough. Such an unlucky day for Alabama's administrators, I mean now they're going to have to hear about all of the ridiculous allegations that they were actually just photoshopping a black male's face onto a white male's body. What an asinine allegation! You think Alabama is so racist that there is literally no other possibility that they encounter whites and blacks together? Come on, that's ludicrous! Just look at A.J. McCarron and Bama's punter and kicker, they hang with black folk all the time! .... You keep doin you Bama.

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