Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tre Mason Catches Squirrels For Speed

Auburn- What does it take to be an Auburn running back? Learning to chase and catch squirrels with your bare hands is a start.

Squirrel chasing, catching and hopefully, releasing is becoming a rite of passage for Auburn running backs trying to prove their speed and immune system while tracking a possible rabies-stricken squirrel through the woods of Alabama.
Tre Mason posted a picture on Instagram and Twitter late Monday evening of himself holding a squirrel with the caption: "Catch squirrels to test your speed!"
Mason has been chasing squirrels to test his speed since September when he tweeted: "Just caught my first squirrel. Did it on the 2nd try!
Is this all it takes to play D1 football? Christ, If I hadn't given up on chasing squirrels when I was 10 years old I'd be the next Wes Welker. I used to pretend I was a predator, just smokin squirrels with rocks left and right, hoping to wipe out the population. Realistically, did I ever hit one? No, those things are agile as fuck, but I was practicing throwing, not catching. If I could do it over again, I'm chasing those fuzzy rats on all fours until I've got 4.4 40 speed. Next step would be catching butterflies until I'm athletic, then you've got yourself a new D1 prospect.

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