Friday, October 25, 2013

Radical Christians Leave An Interesting Tip To A Gay Waiter

Kansas City- When a waiter went to pick up the check after a so-called Christian couple completed their meal he found, in lieu of a tip, a vitriolic message.
It began on a complimentary note: “Thank you for your service, it was excellent.”
Unfortunately, that was just the “tip” of the iceberg.
Kansas City KMBC TV found out about the incident on Facebook where customers of Carrabba's Italian Grill are rallying in support of the waiter.
The message, written on the back of the credit card receipt, continued: “That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to GOD.
Queers do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours.
We hope you will see the tip your fag choices made you lose out on, and plan accordingly.
It is never too late for GOD's love but none shall be spared for fags.
May GOD have mercy on you.”
The waiter has seemingly taken it in his stride.
The offers to help pay me back are much appreciated, but not at all needed,” he said.
I'd prefer to let my work ethic and my service do the talking, nothing else.”
Shoppers spoken to by KMBC were less understanding, Will Rogers describing the act as despicable.
It's not different from saying I'm not tipping you because you're black, or a Jew, or anything like that,” he said.
In this day and age, being gay, it's not really any cause for a fuss.”
Charles Ferrozza blogged on The Pitch: “I wish a brave Carrabba's manager had been on hand to toss the bigoted couple's self-righteous asses out into the parking lot.”
It is not the first time this year that a self-proclaimed Christian has used faith as an excuse not to leave a tip.
In January, a waiter at an Applebee's outpost was given, instead of a tip, an admonition from a female minister.
She wrote on the receipt: “I give God 10 per cent. Why do you get 18?”

OUCH. Sorry queerbag but you made way too many faggy choices to even let these heaven hungry Christians consider giving you shit. No way your cock gobblin' ass is getting anything other than a lesson. And you better hear that lesson loud and clear because God's love is NOT spared on fags, oh but thanks again for the great service, it was excellent. 

There are not many groups of people that are more absurd than radical Christians. Just preaching about loving each other then flat out destroying gays. Kind of a class act for this guy not to try to sue or get donations for being bullied.

ps- Sneaky awesome move capitalizing all the letters of God, kind of made it feel like God was mad at me and I'm not even a butt stabbin' poofter.

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