Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Teacher Goes On Racist Halloween Rant

Ohio- Firestone High School teacher David Spondike, 51, took to his Facebook page Sunday night to let the world know how he felt about kids from the “ghetto” daring to trick-or-treat at his house. According to screenshots of the rant sent to local news outlets by an anonymous Facebook friend, Spondike was upset about one of the children urinating outside:

"I don't mind if you come to my neighborhood from the ghetto to trick-or-treat. But when you whip out your teeny dicks and piss on the telephone pole in front of my front yard and a bunch of preschoolers and toddlers, you can take your n****r-ass back where it came from! I  don't have anything against anyone of any color, but n*****s, stay out!"

We get it Dave, you hate seeing all those tiny dicks around your neighborhood, but you can't just be dropping N-bombs left and right over it. Gotta have the foresight to see that move as being a bad one. And are these dicks even that teeny? That's a bold accusation, I mean think of the crowd you're dealing with here. 

Oh and this guy's track record is ridiculous too. He is accused of choking a student, throwing a chair, and spitting on the floor in the classroom. If having a teacher like that doesn't keep you focused and on your toes at all times than I don't know what will. Hats off to the passion Spondike, but maybe clean up the language a bit.

ps- This may be most hilariously contradicting sentence of all time. "I don't have anything against anyone of any color, but n*****s, stay out!"

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