Sunday, November 24, 2013

Logan Ryan Has A Bad Case Of White Face

Is it just me or does Logan Ryan look like a white dude with black skin? 

I don't know, whatever. Thanks for that pick.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tony Allen Kicks Chris Paul In The Face

Great stuff. Tony Allen officially becomes the first NBA player to display his karate abilities during a regular season game.  And to believe those asshole refs called that foul! I mean look at Tony's bruised shin! Is that Tim Donaghy back calling the shots?

Whatever, Tony Allen just changed the game of basketball for the rest of time. Basketball ninjas are about to break out.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Play Of The Weekend

Late play of the weekend surfacing out of D2 Lincoln University. Kinda strange that this kid consciously decided to to do a frontflip, right?. Like that's not an accidental flip, he just saw the defender coming and thought "fuck it, I'll do a front flip".

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Psycho Dolphins Strike Again

Have you guys ever wanted to see a dolphin gleefully banging a dead fish?

If you said yes, great! Here you go, now direct yourself to the nearest cliff and jump off of it. These sick fucks have been terrorizing our oceans since the dawn of time. One necrophilia loving Flipper is nothing compared to the gangs of dolphin rapists that kidnap humans and take them to rape caves. You don't have to believe me, but don't come crying to me after a "playful" dolphin gets a little to frisky with you. Next time you see one of these perves I suggest you punch it square in its bottlenose face.

Cop Fires 41 Rounds At Unarmed Driver, Hits 3 Shots

Dallas-For only the second time in 17 years, a Dallas County, Tex.,  grand jury has indicted a police officer for wrongly killing a suspect in the line of duty. Patrick Tuter is being held on an unusually high $100,000 bail after his indictment for manslaughter in the death of 25-year-old Michael Vincent Allen on August 31 of last year.

Prosecutors said they did not consider the fired Garland police officer a threat to flee, and were prepared to let bail go as low as $10,000. But Judge Lena Levario said that in her view, Tuter (pictured) posed a threat to public safety and needed to be locked up. Typical bail in manslaughter cases is about $25,000, the Dallas Morning News reported.

If he makes bail, Tuter is not allowed to hold any job that requires him to use a weapon.

From the facts of the case, Tuter appears not only trigger-happy, but also an inaccurate shot. He is accused of killing Allen, who was unarmed, after a half-hour chase during which speeds hit 100 miles per hour along a North Dallas freeway, ending up with Allen cornered in cul-de-sac in Mesquite.

According to one eyewitness to the shooting, Allen’s white GMC pickup was trapped between two cop cars. That’s when Tuter, according to a witness, shouted for Allen to get out of the truck but then without waiting more than a few seconds, opened fire.

He unloaded 41 rounds, pausing at least once to reload despite taking no return fire from Allen who was not in possession of a firearm. Three of those shots hit Allen, killing him. But 38 of Tuter’s shots missed their target.

The other officer at the scene fired no shots and actually took cover behind his squad car as Tuter continued to pump bullets at the immobilized pickup truck.

The chase began when Tuter noticed the pickup, which had been involved in a chase in nearby Sachse a few mights before.

Tuter crashed his vehicle into the pickup before firing. Allen, the father of one, died without getting out of the driver’s seat. Originally, police claimed that Allen rammed Tuter’s vehicle. But dashboard cam video showed that the reverse was actually the case.

“More and more, we’re learning that the account given by the police officer is not what actually occurred,” said Don Tittle, a lawyer who represents Allen’s family in a civil suit against Tuter for wrongful death. “That should be pretty alarming. It should certainly cause you to wonder in cases where there’s no video at all.”

Tuter faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted on the manslaughter charge.
Remind me to never piss off Patrick Tuter. This guy has all the right kind of crazy to get his own ridiculous spin off show. Who could even right a more reckless story for a badass cop? It reminds of the movie The Other Guys when Samuel L and The Rock go balls out and destroy the city while just chasing down some guys who had like an ounce of weed on them. At least those bad guys had guns and "drugs" on them, this poor dude Mike had just been in a chase a couple nights ago. Instead of pulling him over and arresting him my man Tuter decides to ram Mike's truck, yell "come out with your hands up", and then just unload 41 rounds into the truck. 41 rounds... 38 misses

ps- Don Tittle, is it immature to giggle at that?
 Fun fact: a tittle is the little dot that hangs out above an "i" or "j".

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Super Awkward Slow-Mo Of College Kids Posing For Pictures

Posing for pictures may be the sneaky most difficult thing to do in college. Do you try to let your friends know you're "goin' wild" at college with a tongue out face like at the :09 mark? Or do you pretend you're getting raped by an aggressive asian like the chick from :23? Any way you do it, deciding your pose and then waiting for the camera to take the picture always feels like fooooreeevveeerrr. (read that like the gif, and if you don't know what it's from, you're old)

Well when the flash never goes off and the picture ends up being a recording, well that's when you get one of the most awkwardly awesome videos on the internet right now.

PS- I think I nailed the picture decision making during Halloween.

Included with a bonus, best photobomb, but worst picture of me of all time.